![]() What Is Your “WHY?” The main issue I have heard, from tens if not hundreds of thousands of people over the years is that, so many people KNOW they desperately WANT and NEED to lose the weight, but for whatever reason they can never string enough little ‘wins’ together to get any momentum. Have you found yourself saying these things? What about THINKING these things? “I have tried so many times, BUT…” “I need to workout, but can’t find the time…” “I can’t seem to stay (or get) motivated” “It is too hard to eat right…” “I workout for a day or two, I don’t see results, so I stop…” Are any of these you? If you are looking for answers on fixing the above I am going to turn this back to you and ask a very important question: What is your why? The KEY to your Success It is impossible to stay committed and determined to do ANYTHING unless you know your “WHY”. Your “why” is the REAL reason, the DRIVING reason that you WANT to change, workout, get healthy, or whatever it is that you truly want to do. You can’t change for someone else and you can’t change for insignificant reasons. You can ONLY change if your WHY becomes important and visible to you. Your “WHY” is the REAL reason, that underlies EVERYTHING and becomes your CORE driver and motivator. When it is identified and understood, and when it is aligned correctly with your intentions, you become unstoppable towards your goal. When it comes to fat loss, if you can identify your TRUE “why” then you can get and stay motivated, you CAN massively increase your fat loss, and you can experience a boost in your overall energy and confidence by overcoming an obstacle in your life. How Do You Find Your Why? Block out some “Me-time” and put a lot of thought into this. WHAT is your why? Flip through magazines and see what appeals to you and consider making a vision board which can help reveal some deep desires and why’s to you. Do some soul searching and get serious in your thinking.
Along those lines, you can’t take somebody else’s why and make it yours. It does not matter that your family, doctor, friends, etc., think something should be important to you. YOU have to make it important to YOU! Once you get to the root of what your “why” is, it CHANGES and DRIVES you. All of a sudden solutions will start presenting themselves to your problems. The hurdles become crystal clear and you start to take action and make things happen — all because you found out what dives you. You found your why. Discovering your WHY is the most important step to changing, as it gets your mind right. It is a critical first step that I include in my programs because once you find your “why” and your mind is focused, you cannot be stopped! When your mind is active and focused on positive things, you WILL get positive results the exact same way an unsure and unfocused mind gets poor results. If you are ready to make a change and find the answer to whatever your dilemma may be (no time, lack of motivation, etc.), FIND YOUR WHY …and the answer will come to you. 🙂
![]() The holiday season is one of the most difficult times to stay motivated to be healthy. Holidays have a tendency to cause quite the disruption to our normal diet and exercise routine and staying motivated to get into the gym can be a bit harder than usual. So, why is it so difficult to stay motivated during the holidays? Well, during the festive season, it’s a lot easier to make excuses, the food is yummier, and it’s a crazy busy time of year. Between work, family, planning, and parties finding the time for a gym session can be nearly impossible. With all the delicious food and the cold weather, many of us are tempted to spend our free time laying by the fire with our full bellies and relax with our loved ones rather than hit the gym for a sweat session. The problem is that although we enjoy ourselves at the time, we soon regret it when the holidays are over. Every year you tell yourself you’re going to stay motivated during the holidays, so this season follow these tips to make it happen. 1) Maintain the right mindset Staying motivated won’t be possible unless you start out with the right mindset. Go into the holiday season determined and dedicated. Make a promise to yourself that you are going to stick to your holiday health plan. Don’t make excuses when the time comes for your workout. If you don’t have time after work, work out before, if you are out of town, go for a run outside or a hike with your family. 2) Make a schedule Making a plan and workout schedule ahead of time will make it a lot more difficult to make excuses when the time comes. If you are prepared, you are more likely to get it done. Take a look at your schedule and write down the times that you will be able to get in your workout session. 3) Workout with a partner Working out with a partner is always a motivator, regardless the time of year. Ask a good friend or family member to be your workout partner and head with you to the gym. Having someone to hold you accountable for your workouts and vice versa will ease the pressure on you to stay self-motivated. Even if you and your workout partner are going to be a part for certain holidays and occasions, stay in touch and keep each other accountable throughout the time. 4) Make it a family activity If you are struggling to find the time to balance working out and also spending time with your family, then make getting an exercise a family activity. Go on a hike with your family, a walk, play a dance game, or kick it up a notch and try a fitness class together. 5) Do short HIIT workouts When you are short for time, HIIT workouts are a really great option. They achieve a lot in a short amount of time. They are great in that they incorporate cardio as well as strength training. In just 20 to 30 minutes you will have achieved burning from 100 to 300 calories and built strength as well. Stick to these holiday workout tips and you are sure to stay motivated this season. Come by our personal training studio to learn more about our awesome trainers and programs. Lincoln Personal Training is dedicated to you and your health this holiday season. Call us or come by today. ![]() ’Tis the season for overindulgence! It’s easy to fall into the habit of eating more and exercising less during the holidays. During the six-week stretch between Thanksgiving and New Year’s, it’s hard to resist gorging on sugary foods and baked goods, especially when you’re surrounded by sweet treats that are a staple of the holiday season. But if we’re not careful with our food intake and our activity output this season, we may find ourselves “bursting at the seams” with holiday cheer. One of the best ways to stay healthy over the holidays is to stay physically active. Exercising on a regular basis not only burns off the extra calories from those gingerbread cookies and boosts our energy levels, it also reduces the stress, anxiety or depression that can sometimes sneak up on us during the holidays. Here are seven creative ideas for staying fit during the holiday festivities. Seek out opportunities to move. Ditch the fancy footwear and opt for walking shoes so you can get moving whenever there’s an opportunity. Classic examples include parking farther away and walking to your destination or taking a few laps around the mall before you actually start shopping. Plus, there’s always the option of taking the stairs. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, in one minute, a 150-pound person burns approximately 10 calories walking upstairs and only 1.5 calories riding an elevator. If you’re flying during the holidays, use the time in between flights and layovers to fit in some physical activity. Avoid taking the automated people mover whenever possible. Instead of waiting at the gate in boredom, try exploring other terminals at the airport if time permits. You might even find some cool last-minute gifts. Once you reach your destination, you can instantly burn calories (and earn brownie points) by volunteering to help with the cooking, house chores and yardwork. Clean the heck out of your house. Speaking of house chores and yardwork, if you’re expecting company this year, you’ll probably have to clean anyway, so why not set aside several hours one day and really clean your house? Bending and squatting to put away dishes or clean hard-to-get spots, walking up and down the stairs repeatedly, folding and putting away laundry – all of these activities burn calories. Visitors with pet, mold or dust allergies would appreciate the effort – and so would your midsection. In addition, you can use all that time prepping holiday meals in the kitchen to throw in some squats, calf raises or even dancing. Pop a casserole in the oven and head out the door for a walk or jog while it’s baking. That homemade macaroni and cheese will taste so much better after you’ve earned it! Plan workout sessions ahead of your trip. By taking the time to plan ahead, you are making a commitment to yourself to be more active. Plus, setting workout goals in advance increases your chances of following through with them. Prior to heading out of town, research where the local gyms are. If you work out at a franchise, chances are you’ll find a branch in your destination city. If not, most gyms offer reasonable day pass rates for non-members and guests. If you’re traveling to a warmer place, look up local trails and parks and other routes for walking or running in your destination city. This way, you’re not only fitting in a daily workout – you’re giving yourself a chance to take in some free sightseeing. Shorten the length of workouts but increase the frequency. It’s not like we don’t want to exercise – we’re just too busy during the holidays to fit in our usual 30 to 60-minute gym session, right? Instead of skipping the workout altogether, consider the 10- to 20-minute rule. Running, jogging and walking are always good exercises to do in short bouts, as are body weight circuits for strength training. If you want the most bang for your buck, consider high-intensity interval training (HIIT). By alternating between periods of maximum effort and short recovery, these condensed but intense workouts get your heart rate and metabolism revving to burn calories and fat. Plus, HIIT workouts can be done just about anywhere and without any equipment. Take advantage of the season. The holiday season is full of community races and “fun runs” that benefit local causes or charities. These are the 5K runs (3.1 miles) or 1-milers that aren’t super competitive and include walkers of all ages. There is usually a small fee involved, and they’re open to everyone from avid runners to folks who enjoy meandering along the trail with friends. Bonus: You might get a souvenir t-shirt out of the deal that will bring back fond memories of that time you went on a fun run with friends and family. If your city/town does not have an organized fun run, consider arranging your own informal one with neighbors, family and friends to raise money or awareness for a charity of your choice. Build activity into family visits and outings. You can still enjoy activities as a family while getting some exercise. Encourage visitors to bring workout clothes suitable for walking on nature trails or perhaps for doing activities at a local health club like yoga classes or racquetball. If you are spending time with children, organize a game of dodgeball, freeze-tag, hide-and-seek. Why not go outside and build a snowman or have a snowball fight? Even playing with a toddler or chasing them around the house can get your heart rate and metabolism going. Join a Fitness Group Lincoln Personal Training is a great option :) |
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February 2025
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